Hai semua..selamat berlunch..mesti ramai yang belum tahu kan..Surf7.net tengah wat kempen untuk kasi free domain kat blog blog yang guna .blogspot.com. Dan macam yang korang tau..ai dah berjaya dapat domain free dari sur7.jadi korang tunggu apa lagi..pi la join..bukan senang weh orang nak bagi domain free.Tapi korang kena la pastikan blog korang tu aktif..maksud aktif tu,korang kena la selau update blog korang..pastu blog korang kena la sentiasa ada orang datang berkunjung..tak susah pun kan..
Tapi kalau agak-agak korang tak nak domain free..korang leh jer register untuk beli domain sendiri..Dorang ada sediakan.setahun korang cuma perlu bayar RM43 jer..mrah je kan..
So,korang nak yang free ke nak yang beli..tepuk dada tnya la selera korang..
Nak register suf7.net.pastu korang isi jer form..pastu tunggu email dari dorang..email pertama dorang akan berbunyi camni
Hi hazliza ,
Thank you for contacting Surf7.net. One of the staff members will review it and reply accordingly. Listed below are details of this ticket. Please make sure the Ticket ID remains in the subject at all times.
Ticket ID: 634721
Subject: Surf7.net Domain-For-Blogger Application - hazlizahusaini.blogspot.com
Priority: Medium
Status: Open
Pastu email kedua/email dah berjaya dapat domain free
Pastu korang letak ler banner sur7.net tu kat sidebar blog korang..pas dah letak korang email dorang..dalam 10 minit dorang akan setting dan email korang cara nak setting kat blog korang.Hi hazliza,
Congratulation! I am happy to inform you that we have decided to approve your application to our domain-for-blogger campaign. To begin, please register yourself at https://www.surf7.net/clients/register.php using the same email you used to apply for this application. Once you have completed the registration process, please drop us a note. We will proceed with the domain registration thereafter.
Note: As part of the agreement, please copy the banner code at http://www.surf7.net/982/free-domain-name-from-surf7-net-domain-for-blogger-campaign/ and paste it in somewhere strategic on your blog's sidebar. We will complete the domain registration only after we see the banner on your blog. Thanks.
If you need further assistance, please reply to this message or visit Support Center at http://www.surf7.net/clients/
Surf Seven Network (Surf7.net)
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dah buat tp masih xdpt la masih menunggu ni
tahniah, best gak tuh
xde apa2 T&C ke??
marina-> tak de..cuma nak ada blog yang aktif under blogger.com
maceh kak leeza..
br je apply ni..
tp mcm xdpt..'
aik..br apply dah cakap tak dapt..isy2..doa-doa la bg dapt..pastu rajin2 update blog..pastu dlam masa dorg riview ni..jemput org masuk blog tu ramai-ramai..akak wat cmtu je aritu..
die nak brp visitor dlm sehari??
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