Saturday, April 24, 2010

Loved so important to me…

We are loved by so many people around us. They might be our parents,husband,wife, friends, lovers, hug or mother who gave birth to us. It doesn’t matter if you are great or normal; no matter where you are, your mother is always the one who loves you so much, friends always cheer you up when you feel sad, and lovers build up a happy family with you to keep your heart warm.
My parents are the most important person to me, even though I am far away from my home.We like to talk with each other everyday. When I hear their words, I can calm down and feel safe.  They encourage me to be a brave girl though they wish I am the little girl and the sweetheart forever. They always tell me do not worry about them even though they face so many unhappy things. My family is my precious treasure forever.
Now so many people think that money is the most important thing in our daily lives. images (1) Sometimes that is true. If you are a millionaire you can buy whatever you want. However you must know that money can not buy happiness and love. I can lose anything, but I am sure I will not lose my love.
To my parent,my hubby,my son,my family,my friends,my followers and you who read this entry..i love you so much..may Allah give you love & happiness in your life.Amin.. ;-)
Without all of you..i am nobody..


Zikr the Jalanan Sepi Perantau said...

money is not everything ..but everything need money...

L-E-E-Z-A said...

yeah..u r right ;-)

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